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computer illustrations & handwoven tapestries

My contemporary handwoven tapestries are predominately weft-faced (the warps are covered), simple weaves (over one and under one), in which areas of color are built up with a discontinuous weft (does not weave from one side of loom to the other). I weave from the front, on a loom. I usually weave with cotton, silk, wool and other fibers. My new works are small scale pieces.

"A is for @" block

"A is for Apples" block

"A for Art" block

Detail of "M is for Moth Mother"
Total triangle shaped piece gold yarn with wool, cotton, silk, metal wire

Pictured above are works from my experimental "Flat Out" series of hanwoven tapestries. All are three-dimentional pieces woven flat on the loom and folding into their block or triangle shapes. Each has a letter "A is for...", etc. reminiscent of children's ABC blocks.
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